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july 2024
please reject my pr
i'll approve your PR if you approve mine
308 readers so far
may contain bite sized snacks, startups, fun
april 2024
Firehose analytics
A quick run down on firehose analytics, also known as 'collect everything and let growth sort it out'.
767 readers so far
may contain bite sized snacks, startups, fun
Async communication
A quick run down on async comms, also known as Slack, email, and even Jira.
742 readers so far
may contain bite sized snacks, startups, fun
march 2024
MVPs make bad milestones
Shipping fast doesn't mean shipping without timezone support.
971 readers so far
may contain bite sized snacks, thoughts
Timezone prop not working in MUI
Fixing your DateTimePicker when it won't follow the timezone prop
970 readers so far
may contain random bugs, code snacks
You should start a blog
Get twitter cred and prove your brain has grooves by writing words on a screen that smoothies will see on theirs
853 readers so far
may contain thoughts
Building a Next.js blog in 2024
Let's start the new year by rewriting our sites from scratch again 😎
2,513 readers so far
may contain code stories, NextJS, tutorials
february 2024
Baked Cheesecake Recipe
Here's another recipe I like to use, this time for a baked cheesecake that's always a hit.
642 readers so far
may contain recipes
Random Word Naming
Otherwise known as Dictionary Word Naming, it's a way to come up with short and memorable names for your projects and companies.
464 readers so far
may contain bite sized snacks, startups, fun
september 2023
Building Yummy.vote
Yet another scrum poker website, but this time (like all the other times), it's almost exactly the same as all the others ones.
382 readers so far
may contain code stories, NextJS
january 2020
Pumpkin Vegetable Bake
A delicious vegetable bake that's perfect for meal prepping breakfasts and lunches. Takes about one hour to make and clean up and will last for a week in the fridge.
309 readers so far
may contain recipes