
please reject my pr_

i'll approve your PR if you approve mine

more bite sized snacks
11:11 PM
hey man, need two approvals. tick and flick mine and i'll do yours?
11:11 PM
done. we should kill two approvals req'd tbh

seen it? seen it recently?

then your QC is either suffocatingly strict, or completely dead and probably doesn't even exist, lol.

no exceptions, sozzas.

here's the thing, you can't have overly strict requirements around your PR process. when you do that you're inviting PR trading, people skimming over thousand line changes, bottlenecking the team, and worst of all hurt feelings

but come on, you also cant have what basically amounts to commiting to master! there needs to be some kind of approval process in this place, right?

there's a solution, my friend.

it's to be a professional developer. you want change requests, they make you think, and reflect upon and evaluate your positions and opinions as a developer to better convey them, and understand them more deeply yourself.

they make you BETTER. 💪😎👍

if my code sucks, PLEASE request changes. if my code has tiny little issues, PLEASE nitpick it. if my approach is inconsistent with our standards, or best practices, PLEASE reject it.

so don't be afraid to reject my PR. i won't be mad, i won't be offended, i won't gossip about you in a Slack DM.

being nitpicked or having changes requested in front of your peers really isn't embarrassing. it's not calling into question your abilities as a developer. it's someone trying to help you improve, and keep the codebase in alignment.

you, maybe
11:11 PM
no, you don't get it pat. this guy is wrong. his requests are frankly a bad opinon. he's asking me to remove code comments!! i mean come on!

alright, cool.

if you think they're wrong in their request for changes then this is your chance to slap back with a hot comment and get that worm on the other foot, yo.

once you've proven them wrong (nicely), you can proceed to gossip about them in a Slack DM.

You were lucky reader number 308 🎉